Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Still on the Market....

I cant believe it, we have now been on the market for over a year, unless we drop the price to a silly amount of money it looks like we are staying here for a while.
We cant drop it any less than we have done already or we wont have the funds to actually move.
The flat is too small for us, we have seriously ran out of room, even the attic is now burtsting at its seems and floorboards..

The past week or so due to conversations with other friends has got me thinking about extending our family, having another child, I'm still not recovered from the first one but hoping for an Op next year to put that right, which in turn got me thinking, surely I might aswell have another baby before they "fix" me? Save me having it done twice? and then I remember.... we cant, we dont have the room or the money at the moment for another child. I'm not feeling particuarly broody, but if we are to have another baby I dont want to leave it for a long time as i'd like to enjoy them being a similar age and not a huge age gap like between my own siblings and myself.

So Santa for Christmas this year, and I've been such a good girl this year and so very brave, is a House. A buyer for this flat and a nice house to move into. Pretty Please with a Cherry on top.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Learn direct Maths Course

God I'm stressed! I haven't even started the blooming course yet lol I’m still doing the “skills checkers”

I've never been very good at Maths, I got an E in my GCSE exam, I'm not sure how, i was sure i had failed it.

I'm wanting to improve my maths skills again though, for myself, my confidence in life and also for helping my daughter with it as she grows up.